2005 Chevrolet 1500 SUB

2005 Chevrolet 1500 SUB

$ 2,900 00

3820 views Condition: Used
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State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 5725 Kearny Mesa Rd
Zip code: 92111
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Suburban 1500
Body type: SUV
Year: 2005
Mileage: 170082
Interior color: Gray
Exterior color: Blue
Transmission: Automatic
Engine: V8, 5.3L; FFV
Trim Level: Base; LS; LT
Body Type: 4 Door Wagon
Manufacturer: General Motors de Mexico
Production Seq. Number: 106136
Fuel Type: Gasoline/E85
Engine Code: Z
Drive Line Type: 4WD
Vehicle Type: Multipurpose Vehicle (MPV)
Vehicle Class: Full-size MPV
Brake System: Hydraulic
Country: MEXICO
Assy. Plant: Silao, Mexico
GVWR Class: Class F: 7,001-8,000 lb
Tonnage: 1/2
Check Digit: 2
MPG: A4:10-13-11/A4:13-18-15
Series: K1500
Engine Manufacturer: General Motors
AAIA: 55774/55775/78069/148515/148516
AAIA_ENGINE: 4306/13735
AAIA_VehicleID: 55774/55775
AAIA_EngineConfigID: 4306/4306
AAIA_TransmissionID: 145/145
AAIA_BodyStyleConfigID: 9/9
AAIA_BrakeConfigID: 6/6
AAIA_DriveTypeID: 8/8
AAIA_SpringTypeConfigID: 4/4

sold as as is


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